Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 8

23 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

And this is how the “holy fathers” from the Lavra behaved in the first days of the Russian invasion

The deputy could not answer why Voronezh needs an expensive Christmas tree for 65 million rubles

— You need to look at the numbers in detail...
- Well, why look at them?

After that, the deputy started downloading and then some incomprehensible nonsense began... and so on in everything, they probably also stole the helmets.

The capture of Belgorod is a hot topic for Skabeeva

Now propagandists are shouting at the top of their lungs about the seizure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the Belgorod region.

We don’t need your Belgorods. Just get off our land and that's it...

Crimea floats out of the Russian Federation

Women and children are already being evacuated in Armyansk. According to preliminary data, 4 columns of people were taken out of the city. The Crimean authorities do not confirm this information and reassure people that there is no panic about evacuation. But Russian military officers continue to say the opposite.

This hysteria began after the occupiers realized that Armyansk was in the HIMARS affected area.

We expect a “gesture of goodwill” from Crimea very soon...

UPD: one of the military correspondents announces something interesting about Crimea on the 28th. He says I’m not mistaken, there is evacuation, look. Well, we're waiting!

The vile glutton for degenerates was closed down

Russia's main enemy turns out to be McDonald's.

There's no cure for this, right?

It is not constructive and criminal to bomb peaceful cities

A flash of enlightenment occurred on Gebbels TV: Kadmi expressed disagreement with Solovyov’s proposal to wipe Kyiv and Kharkov from the face of the earth.

No one will stop, they will finish off

Watch your hands: Russia is invading Ukraine, messing with our infrastructure, but for some reason NATO and Europe declared war.

Olechka Buzova shit a fresh portion of her “creativity” and criticized the Russians who left the country due to mobilization

They are creatures, they must be killed and destroyed

The video shows ordinary Russians who hate Ukraine and call for the destruction of the Ukrainian people.

The civilians are not to blame for anything, you say?

Came to Wagner to kill dogs with hammers

PMCs use dogs as a “cold-blooded trainer.” Prigozhin’s creatures not only catch stray dogs on the streets, but also buy them from shelters and even kidnap pets.

One of the Wagnerites wrote a post and stated that “he can’t sleep anymore, there’s a dog squealing in his ears, and in front of his eyes there’s a bloody medallion with the nickname “Mkhambi”

Propagandists now want to bomb Kazakhstan

Now denazification of Kazakhstan is next? Clowns...

Putin is confused

At the opening of the monument to Fidel Castro, VV quoted him as saying that “In a just world there is no place for dictatorship and robbery.”

Here's a clown...

Rogozin tells Solovyov why Russia has no satellites

And of course it’s not a matter of theft, they just didn’t give enough money

Russia asks for a truce so it can accumulate forces and attack again

The crazy underwriter Prilepin burned all the cards on air from his fellow propagandists

Kherson is Russian, but there is a nuance

By naming the Raccoon “Kherson” and stealing him from the zoo, it is unlikely that you will be able to actually capture the city...

It seems that the madness in Russia will never end...

Jokes about the death penalty in Russia are no longer jokes

The governor of the Belgorod region, Gladkov, threatened to cut off the official’s head.

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