A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 148

1 March 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Bakhmut, fire from an infantry fighting vehicle

Bolshevik mince

It was close

In the trench

First-person video of close combat in Bakhmut

You must have a PhD in astrophysics to understand their tactics

A year of war in 40 seconds

Watch this video, it very much describes the “power” of the second army in the world. If you come to someone else's land, take care of it. If the Russian military is ready to continue to give their lives for Putin’s ideas, then good luck.

Whoever comes with a sword will die from it...

Quite a useful thing...

A 30mm BMP-2 automatic cannon destroys a house occupied by the Russians. Bakhmut, date unknown

53rd separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Vladimir Monomakh at work

Serbia transferred 3,500 missiles to Ukraine for the Grad MLRS, - Defense Minister Vucevic

It is reported that the transit of ammunition was carried out through Turkey and Slovakia. The video shows a warehouse in Bratislava, where 3.5 thousand 122-mm M-21 missiles for the Grad rocket launchers arrived in transit. Previously, Serbia was categorically against the transfer of weapons to Ukraine.

MaxxPro did its job, saving the lives of Ukrainian soldiers

Azov hits enemies

American MRAP, M 1224 MaxxPro

Bakhmut - damaged M113 visible

Bakhmut - successful attack on Russian infantry fighting vehicles

Bakhmut, 93rd brigade

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