A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 138

4 February 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The Ork Aerospace Forces made another attempt to send one of their own into orbit.

Belarusians fighting for Ukraine have acquired new equipment and are creating a mechanized unit

BMD that won't travel anymore

BMP 3 orcs and kamikaze drone

BMP3 after being hit by ZSU anti-tank artillery

Probably a disguised orc cache with captured washing machines and toilets

A platoon of orks came under controlled mortar fire from drones. In a word, Jackpot!

Duel between an orc and a kamikaze drone

Another Orc Master of Acrobatics

Starting a captured tank

Sometimes pretending to be a dead orc is a good strategy, sometimes it's not.

Elimination of a Russian special forces detachment by international volunteers

Mariinsky Theater. All that was left was the name of the city, razing everything to the ground.

Minus orc technology

I'm 71, but I won't go home until we kick out this evil spirits

Unit volunteer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIm1kqmKyQs) “Santa” pseudo “Grandfather” has been in the war for 6 years. All his life he worked as an engineer. After retiring, he didn’t want to sit at home and in 2016 decided to go to war.

Mobile engineering troops of the Russian Federation

Power and accuracy of GMLRS missiles with an alternative warhead (M30A1)

Slice from the war

I don't know what it is, but it hits beautifully

There's nowhere you can hide from us

Shelling of a Wagner PMC group by the Ukrainian 45th brigade in Yakovlevka - Donetsk region

The occupiers cannot even drive through an empty city without problems.

In the city of Antratsit, Lugansk region, Russians in military trucks caused a serious accident while driving through a red traffic light.

He is sure that armored vehicles are safer

The orc engineer dug and dug until he buried a gas pipe

Orcs enjoy their arrivals

Hunt for orcs hiding in buildings

Before sending the Leopard 2A6 to Ukraine, the head of the Ministry of Defense tested the tank

This was reported by the German publication Spiegel.

A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 138

Near Bakhmut, Ukrainian artillery is knocking on houses

A drone hits a moving Kamaz, the operator applauds

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