A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 136

31 January 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

And here is a video of a NATO AWACS flight in Polish airspace

A Boeing E-3 Sentry aircraft has recently been daily monitoring the western border of Ukraine from the Black Sea to Belarus.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the Katsap ammunition depot in the Bakhmut direction

The enemy warehouse contained anti-tank mines and small arms ammunition.

The orcs cannot hide from the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces even at night

Military 93 brigades destroyed the invaders in the Bakhmut direction.

Searching for orcs in a drone's thermal imager

Attempted attack by orcs on the village of Vodyanoye in the Donetsk region

We came to evacuate the orcs, but I don’t think it’s necessary anymore

The flaming ass of the occupier

Burning from the news about Leopard tanks, probably...

A wounded warrior, having unbearable pain, together with his brothers, sings our anthem. A real Ukrainian warrior

Guys, hold on, help, although slowly, is already on the way

SBU eliminated a group of orcs in the east using a drone

During the battle, SBU officers also helped evacuate a wounded Ukrainian soldier.

We don’t abandon our own - this is definitely not about the Russians

We don’t abandon our own, but the one you didn’t abandon will abandon you

The special unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine conducted a fantastically successful night raid in the Novaya Kakhovka area

Despite the dense mining of the coastline and the installed fortifications, the group crossed the river and landed on the opposite bank.

Having entered the battle, the scouts used grenade launcher shots to destroy the building in which the command post of the invaders was located. Those, perceiving the landing as an attempt to break through the defense line, immediately attracted combat reserves - a unit of special operations forces, aviation and armored vehicles. Thanks to this, intelligence received comprehensive data on the number, composition and location of enemy reserves.

During the battle, GUR fighters destroyed at least 12 invaders, an 82A armored personnel carrier and captured a prisoner. Having completed the task, the group returned to the right bank of the Dnieper.

Power steering - titans

Ugledar, liquidation of two invaders by a Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter in close combat

Ugledar, the orcs are attacking

What's so interesting about this?

And this is a train with Leopard 2A5 tanks of the Bundeswehr heading east. Germany should supply us with approximately the same machines.

A train with Abrams tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine was spotted in Denver, Colorado

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