Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 17

10 November 2022

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

In Simferopol, a mobik almost shot a hairdresser

I’m a Chechen, I don’t give a fuck, I’m a SVOshnik, I’m shedding blood while you’re wiping your pants.”

So in Simferopol, a mobik almost shot a hairdresser. The victim said that it all started because of a remark he made to a “veteran” who was swearing.

In response, he began to threaten and accuse the man of wiping his pants while others are shedding blood.

Apparently this is already the norm in the Russian Federation. Drunk mobs threatening with guns...

It’s not New Year yet, but mobiles are being given gifts

Arkhangelsk Governor Alexander Tsybulsky gave the mobiles:

Rubber boots for winter

Yoga mats

“Maslenitsa bag” instead of a backpack

Well, they give them bags in Ukraine too, they are very durable and good. But thanks for the boots and rug

What difference does it make how you shoot when HIMARS is flying at you?

A Russian paratrooper, famous for the phrase “I love my family, I shoot well, I don’t want to go on vacation,” died in Ukraine.

Here is such a Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 17

It turns out now “Family - without a father, how he already shoots - we don’t know, but he’s on vacation (eternal)”

Mobik from the DPR turned to Don-Don

The essence of the appeal: complaints of sexual violence by Chechen soldiers and the inability to carry out “joint tasks”

What is this coming out? The manuals about “disguised dill” were destroyed by the Russian soldiers themselves? Something quick, guys...

Mobs from Bashkortostan complain about gum. assistance from the republican administration

“Look, this Chinese crap is bursting. How can we go to war with this?” - complains the “poor” fighter of the “second army of the world”

And we will answer - very simply and with our hands raised, it will be easier...

The mobilized armies of the Russian Federation wear armored armor for their fallen comrades

We are increasingly receiving information about the poor provision of Russian soldiers in the army - they say there are many people, there is no armor for everyone.

We are trying to provide Atesh representatives individually, sending money for ammunition so that they can work and transmit information to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

But the last case surprised us: one of the soldiers was given an ALREADY used armored vehicle.

Eagle mobs complain about poor equipment

He blew up a grenade in his hands

I'm good with weapons

Yeah, we noticed...

The video is old, I just remembered which specialists are coming to us.

A fight between occupiers somewhere on the road in Melitopol

What, the soldiers of the “second army of the world” didn’t share the toilet?

Nothing unusual, just a katsap beating a katsap while driving near the “one people” banner.

Mothers of the occupiers complain that a whole company of mobs does not get in touch

What did you think, they would just play around during the exercises and that’s it?

The occupants were ordered to finish off their wounded

One of the wives of the occupier, who is currently at the front, complained that after a telephone conversation with her husband she was in despair.

According to her, the 55th motorized rifle brigade is now abandoned by officers, there is no command, everyone fled due to the offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Her husband said that a decree had been issued to kill their own wounded and they did not know what to do.

What to do? Screw where you came from, that's what to do.

Russians call Donetsk chmobiks nothing more than stupid homeless people

Arthur from Donetsk, who proactively surrendered to the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Avdeevka, talks about this.

The mobilized man complains about the lack of military training, tactical medicine and the promised salary.

Nothing new, chronicles of the “second army of the world”

Salt mob can't dance tectonic

Chronicles of the “second army of the world”

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