A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the russian federation in Ukraine. Release 96

26 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.


Bakhmut, situation on October 25

Thanks to this video, the Ukrainian military discovered a TikTok base and attacked it

Hamvee armor piercing glass

Military people have fun on PSP

Eastern Front, situation

This is how the S-300 was destroyed

Rooks at the front

Demonstration of the capabilities of new drones at zero

Cheap and cheerful. Kamikaze drones

Bringing ammunition to perfection

There's no point in wandering around here

Accurate hit in the trenches

Workshop on assembling gifts from drones

Kamikaze wings PM-752, 2.5-4.0 kg warhead

Hamvey crash test on the Kherson direction

The bones are sticking out

The quality of Ukrainian equipment is truly impressive

The Katsaps are transferring top-secret weapons to the front. Howitzers D-1 1943

Imitation of operations behind enemy lines among the occupiers without going to the front

They took the abandoned trophy

Another trophy

The situation in Bakhmut

The Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repel all attempts by the Katsapni to storm the city.

Very harsh front-line cuisine of Ukrainian soldiers

And just try telling the cook after this that you didn’t like the food.

They knocked out a tank with something ultra-precise

Set fire to enemy equipment

While the Russians are robbing houses, they are covered by our artillery

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