A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 58

15 September 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Briefly about the situation in Izyum

Beautiful effect after dropping a bomb from a drone

About the work of a Ukrainian sapper in the forests

Swamp dwellers compete with the United States for arms supplies

Here is a trophy Z-point, not broken, not painted.

First reports of war crimes in liberated areas

Before the heroic retreat of the orcs, the cattle were shot

There is nothing better than fighting with civilians and animals and burning them.

The Ukrainian soldier was lucky, the sight stopped or ricocheted the bullet

Polish crabs towards Kharkov

The bullet flew for 4 seconds, so the position of the orcs was approximately 1360m

Melted together with the equipment

This is what the bridge in Svyatogorsk reportedly looks like now

Even loading into transport causes some difficulties for them

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