Two 45-ton sperm whales protected a diver from a shark (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 09:08

Benoit Giraudeau, a reggae and dancehall singer better known by his stage name Natty Gong, was enjoying a dive off the coast of Mauritius when he was approached by an oceanic whitetip shark. The stunning footage shows a pair of 45-ton sperm whales appearing to jump in to protect the man.

The whales surrounded Giraudeau and began chasing the shark, possibly trying to scare it off. One of the giants bit the shark on the tail, and it disappeared into the ocean depths.

According to marine biologists, oceanic whitetip sharks are among the most dangerous to humans. This species of predator is suspected of attacking victims of shipwrecks or plane crashes. Such incidents are not included in the list of shark attacks, as they are not documented.

Giraudeau shared a story about how a shark "aggressively approached" him, but he was "saved" by a whale.

"With his mouth wide open, he chased the shark," the musician recalls.

The female sperm whale apparently sent a message to "keep the shark away." The mammal can be seen diving and positioning itself between the man and the female, making sure she stays on the surface of the water. The female sperm whale then bit the shark on the tail, which "caught her off guard."

"The shark wanted to get closer to me, but I was well protected," the diver added.

Experts warn that the oceanic whitetip shark's unpredictable behavior, large size (1.5 to 4 m in length) and feeding opportunism make it especially dangerous to divers. Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau claimed that "this is the only representative of the Selachians that is not at all afraid of divers."

The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales and has the largest brain. It makes the deepest dives of all marine mammals - to a depth of more than 2 km. This is the only creature whose throat is theoretically capable of swallowing a person whole. This species is usually not aggressive, but will defend itself if attacked.

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