10 unexpected facts about the world, nature and people (11 photos)

Category: Facts, PEGI 0+
27 February 2025

Can a modern person, who is bombarded with an avalanche of information every minute, be surprised?

Of course, the world holds so many interesting and curious things that life is not enough to learn even a small part of its secrets. But of course, you need to strive.

1. Rock Lives

Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" only reached #9 on the U.S. charts when it was first released in 1976. But in 1992, after the release of the film "Wayne's World," it reached #2.

2. Who's Stronger?

When a lion and a tiger fight, the tiger almost always wins.

3. And everything could have been different

Leonardo DiCaprio turned down the role of Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels.

4. Expensive Land

Due to severe overcrowding and high property prices in Hong Kong, burials in public cemeteries are exhumed after 6 years. The remains are either collected privately by relatives for cremation or reburied in an urn. Unclaimed burials are exhumed and cremated by the government.

5. The Otter is Beautiful, but Dangerous

In Japanese folklore, otters were considered very dangerous because they would turn into beautiful women or small children and kill men.

6. The Boiling River

There is a river in Peru that is hot enough to boil in some places. Shanai-Timpishka is a river called "the only boiling river in the world". It is a left tributary of the Pachitea. It is known for its high temperatures - from 45 °C to almost 100 °C. The name in the language of the Ashaninka tribe living in the area means "Heated by the heat of the Sun". According to scientific research, the root cause of such high temperatures is a fault line in the earth's crust.

7. Meteorite Sword

Popular fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett, when he was knighted, forged his own sword from iron ore that he dug up and several pieces of meteorites. He hired an expert to train him, but did all the work himself.

8. The Unconventional Standard

In Japan, crooked teeth are considered beautiful.

9. Meant for Each Other

Without the Moon, the Earth's axis would shift unpredictably, and the seasons would not be constant.

10. Giants in comparison

An elephant weighs less than a blue whale's tongue.

1 comment
27 February 2025
Кто ето на украинский переводил, там как раз таки не мова а язик кита, кити не разговаривают, какая у них мова. Или ето переводчик от гугла
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