How India became a "hostage" of homing pigeons (8 photos)

27 February 2025

Did you know that pigeon post used to be used? But it all slowly faded into history with the spread of the telephone and telegraph. But not in India. Because there are still problems with communication in the country, as well as remote villages somewhere in the forests and mountains. And now, when there are radios and smartphones everywhere, pigeons still earn their police rations very honestly.

EVERYONE STOP! This is the pigeon police, slowly and without sudden movements, take the seeds out of your pocket!

Why do police need pigeon post

Although pigeon post had been used by rulers in India since the 16th century, the first pigeon post office in the police was opened in 1946. The reason was the same - maintaining communication between remote settlements, communicating with an officer who had set out on a journey to a distant region.

And in 1982, pigeons even saved an entire region when they were the only means of communication in the state of Odisha during terrible floods. And every time they started thinking about optimizing pigeon post, something happened that forced them to rely only on birds.

Depending on their talents, pigeons have different bracelets on their legs

For example, they carried messages in 1999, when a super cyclone in the coastal state caused monstrous destruction, loss of all communication and electricity. Police officers used pigeons to send information on where rescue teams should go.

So now they are simply afraid to discuss the abolition of pigeons. As soon as this topic is raised, a catastrophe immediately occurs in which they save people.

How pigeons serve in the police

Feeds from the hand so that the pigeon gets used to it as much as possible

For example, 200 Belgian homing pigeons serve in the Odisha police. They have their own barracks and a police officer responsible for their care.

Belgian pigeons are chosen primarily for their ability to fly long distances (up to 24 km) in just 15-25 minutes and for their longevity - they live up to 20 years. Train once and serve for a lifetime, longer than dogs. Belgian pigeons have particularly strong homing instincts, making them an ideal choice for companionship.

What if a pigeon is caught on a mission by a falcon or an eagle!?

There are few dovecotes, small "branches" are located in remote villages, but the main one, of course, is in a big city. Where they are looked after and trained to return.

Did you know that all homing pigeons have their own job? They are divided into stationary (i.e. they only make one-way flights, usually returning home), boomerang (two-way) and mobile (used by police units on the move to communicate with headquarters).

A message is tied to the pigeon, BE PATIENT.

The messages are written on onion paper, inserted into a plastic capsule and tied to the pigeons' legs.

The state government spends $5,000 a year on keeping pigeons. Pigeon training begins at the age of five to six weeks. These birds can fly at a speed of 55 km/h, depending on the weather.

Initially, they are allowed to fly short distances of 3-5 km. They are taught to recognize the terrain and are forced to practice different types of flights (with and without return). Once trained, their accuracy in mapping the route remains unchanged for decades!

A man is driving, carrying a box with police to release them halfway along the route with a note

Pigeons are very smart and recognize the handler's tholos, which makes it easier to control. That is, you can simply shout if you see a pigeon, and it will fly to you.

Of course, such "pampering" is quite expensive for India, because pigeons are only needed in emergency situations. And also for Independence Day parades.

The pigeons are taken away far away and then released so that they remember the area. This is a kind of training for returning

But every time officials suggest closing the pigeon post office altogether, people get indignant and panic. After all, something will definitely happen that will require pigeons, and usually it's a disaster.

I know that the Chinese also have pigeons in the army just in case.

I also read that in England they are developing how to use pigeons in espionage

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