Flight attendant forcibly subdued rowdy passenger who grabbed woman by hair (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

A strange incident occurred on February 1 on Alaska Airlines Flight 2221 at Oakland International Airport in California before departure to Portland, Oregon. An unstable man grabbed the hair of a passenger sitting in front of him. The flight attendant stood up for the woman and used force.

While the flight attendant was hitting the man, trying to force him to let go of the woman's locks, other passengers tried their best to help.

It is unclear what caused the aggressive behavior. According to an eyewitness, the attacker was held for several minutes before police arrived and escorted him out.

As a result, the flight was canceled. The flight attendant refused to fly, and they were unable to replace him.

Alaska Airlines said in a statement that the passenger had a seizure.

"Our flight attendants' primary responsibility is to ensure the safety of our passengers. The crew responded quickly to the situation and ensured the safety of all guests until law enforcement arrived," the airline said. The troublemaker was blacklisted.

The footage shows a gray-haired man clutching a woman tightly. She asks him: "Let go of my hair, sir!" The flight attendant hits the passenger in the throat several times, but he does not even think of letting go of his victim.

video-Flight attendant subdues violent man

The flight attendant tells the woman to get up from her seat, and then pushes the man, knocking his glasses off his head. When the victim gets up, the insane passenger starts screaming loudly, rocking back and forth.

The author of the video wrote: “We were already preparing for takeoff, when this guy started saying weird things and rocking back and forth. We called the flight attendant, then he grabbed the woman by the hair and wouldn’t let go. I heard that he’s an alcoholic and takes five drugs.”

The victim commented: “Thanks for the video. I’m the woman who was grabbed. My hair wasn’t in the way, I didn’t provoke him. The man had a psychotic episode, hit his head on the back of my seat several times, lost consciousness, came to and grabbed me by the hair. I was afraid that this man would hit me on the head, and I am very grateful to the flight attendant and passengers who came to the rescue."

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