In the USA, a runaway teenager hid in toilet paper in the middle of a supermarket for several days (5 photos + 1 video)

8 February 2025

On February 2, 16-year-old Christopher Dunham ran away from his grandparents in Grove. The mystery of his disappearance took a new turn when police obtained a search warrant for the family's home on Hazel Road, and later that evening the teenager tried to return to the house.

Mark Morris, the Grove police chief, believes that the teenager was watching the house. Christopher tried to return when the police left the building.

According to the officer, the search for Dunham was complicated by his grandparents. They refused to provide a photo of their grandson, citing family issues. Moreover, they did not allow a police officer or a social worker into the house. And even with a warrant, the law enforcement officers were not allowed to enter.

"They were not very cooperative," Morris said.

Only after much persuasion did the pensioners allow the officers to inspect the house and pickup. Electronics, cameras and cell phones were seized.

When the family was finally reunited, the grandfather brought the fugitive to the police station. Christopher said he built a fort out of toilet paper at Walmart and slept on a dog bed. Doctors found he had "minor" injuries and mild frostbite on his toes. It is unclear if this is related to the escape.

"This is one of the strangest cases I've ever seen in law enforcement," Morris said.

Last summer, neighbors argued with the family over the teenager's well-being. They claimed Christopher was mowing the lawn in 115-degree heat.

Another local resident told police how the Dunhams kicked their grandson out one night when it was pouring rain and freezing outside: "He was crying outside and begging to be let in. We could hear him crying and she was screaming at him to shut up." The next day, the grandmother defended herself to worried neighbors, saying she didn't know how to calm the teenager down.

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