20 historical portraits that show life in the past without embellishment (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
4 February 2025

Retro photographs play a very important role in revealing the secrets of social and cultural aspects of the past. They allow us to take a historical journey and see first-hand how people used to live. These frozen images of past eras contain fascinating details and allow us to get an idea of ​​days long gone. Take a look!

1. Protest against high school dress code banning pants for girls, Brooklyn, 1940

2. Portrait of Nancy Columbia, Inuit girl, 1904 year

3. Little chimney sweeps in Victorian England, 1880

4. Indigenous guide Samson Beaver with his wife Leah and their daughter Frances Louise, 1907 year

5. Ladies drinking tea in the Scottish Highlands, 1910

6. Christmas dinner at Earl Pauley's home near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner consisted of potatoes, cabbage and pie, 1936

7. Native of Fiji, 1880

8. Absaroke or Crow Native American, Fort Keogh, Montana, 1881 year

9. Village postman in winter uniform, 1900, Sweden

10. Woman in fashionable clothes, France, 1911 year

11. Portrait of a Wasco Indian with a decorated face, feathers and beaded ornaments, 1903

12. "Pigeon Bus" from World War I, which served as a collection point for messenger pigeons from the front

13. Schoolgirls, Japan 1910

14. Navajo woman weaving a blanket, Santa Fe, New Mexico

15. Hop pickers on stilts in Faversham, England, 1920

16. Peasant women carrying water from sled to hut, 1910 year

17. Three generations of women at their stone house in Ireland, 1927

18. Learning to ride a bicycle, 1895 year

19. Japanese student, 1910

20. Miner's daughter in Durham, England, 1952

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