In China, children who played a wedding scene in kindergarten got married for real 20 years later (3 photos)

22 January 2025

A Chinese couple who got married this month have gone viral on social media after sharing the romantic story of how they met.

A man surnamed Zheng and his unnamed wife held a wedding ceremony in Chaozhou City, southern Guangdong Province, on January 7.

Internet users were amused by the fact that he and his wife, who attended the same kindergarten, posed on stage as newlyweds two decades ago.

After kindergarten, the boy and girl went to different elementary schools. Their paths did not cross until 2022, when a video of the performance was shared among Zheng's classmates.

Zheng's mother, who accidentally saw the video, suggested finding the girl who played her son's wife at the concert. Zheng was single, and his parents were concerned about his bachelor status, but it is unknown how old he was.

With the help of a kindergarten teacher, Zheng contacted his future wife, who was also single. According to him, they regretted not having met earlier and immediately fell in love.

Social media users were captivated by the story: "They should give the teacher a red envelope with a large sum of money", "What magical karma! They are destined to be together."

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