Kyle MacLachlan called David Lynch great and told what he did for him (9 photos)

18 January 2025

David Lynch passed away yesterday after a long illness. The iconic director released his last work in 2017, and in 2020 he learned of his incurable disease. Twin Peaks star Kyle MacLachlan is saddened by the passing of his friend and colleague.

“Forty-two years ago, for reasons I still don’t understand, David Lynch pulled me out of obscurity to star in his first and last big-budget film. He clearly saw something in me that I didn’t see myself. I owe my entire career, and indeed my life, to his vision.

I saw in him a mysterious and intuitive man with a creative sea bubbling within him. He was connected to something we all just dream of touching.

Our friendship blossomed on the set of Blue Velvet and then Twin Peaks, and I always thought of him as the most alive person I had ever met.

David was attuned to the universe and his own imagination on a level that felt like the best representation of human nature. He didn’t care about answers because he understood that questions are what drive us and define us. They are our breath.

The world has lost an extraordinary artist, and I have lost a dear friend who imagined the future for me, allowing me to travel to worlds I could never have imagined on my own.

I can see him now, standing to greet me in his backyard, with a warm smile, a big hug, and his Plains-accented voice. We would talk about coffee, the joy of unexpected moments, the beauty of the world, and laugh.

His love for me, and mine for him, came from a cosmic destiny between two people who saw the best of themselves in each other.

I will miss him more than words can say or my heart can bear. My world is so much fuller for having known him, and so much emptier without him.

David, I am forever changed by you, and I will always be your Cale. Thank you for everything."

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