Almost three meters long and 130 kilograms. A Polish fisherman caught a giant fish in Spain (3 photos)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
4 December 2024

Experienced Polish fisherman Michal Chełkowski from the port city of Szczecin caught a catfish weighing over 130 kilograms and measuring 268 centimeters in length. The man caught the fish in the longest river in Spain, the Ebro.

Michal had already had luck when he fished on this river — he caught another giant a month ago.

“I was incredibly lucky again, and this time… I managed to outwit a catfish that was 268 cm long,” he wrote on Facebook on November 20. — This fish is a real giant living in the Ebro River. As if from another planet!

After measuring and weighing the fish, Michal took a photo with it. And then released it back into the river.

Although the catfish is nine centimeters longer than the Polish record holder caught by Władysław Bombik in 2017, it is not recognized as an official Polish record, since the fish was caught outside the country. But the fisherman is not despairing.

— I hope that in the future I will have a chance to catch an even larger "kaiju" (a Japanese word, most often translated as "monster". — Ed.), — he wrote.

The current world record for the largest catfish was set in May 2023. It belongs to Italian fisherman Alessandro Biancardi, who caught a specimen 285 cm long.

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