A man caught a huge catfish in his yard (5 photos)

1 March 2018

In the American town of Shepardsville, the river flooded some of the coastal houses, but there was a man who made the elements work for himself. He went outside with tackle in hand and caught a record-breaking catfish without leaving his own yard.

In Shepardsville (Kentucky), a river periodically overflows its boundaries, flooding the areas of houses located near the banks. In February, the Salt River reached the very porch of the house of local constable Robert Watkins - but instead of rushing to save his property from the rising water, on February 26 he went to fish for catfish literally in his front yard.

His audacity in the face of the elements did not go without reward: a home-based fisherman caught a 24-kilogram catfish without leaving his own territory.

More than seventy thousand people shared the post with Watkins pulling out a huge catfish, and local publications rushed to the fisherman himself for an interview. The lucky fisherman said that the weight of the caught fish turned out to be more than twenty kilograms. The man added that he intends to either give the catfish, which he temporarily tied to the porch of the house, to a friend who has his own large pond, or simply release it back into the water.

The amateur fisherman added that when there are floods in Shepardsville, he and a friend always set up gear in the surrounding trees so that 4-5 hours later they can go check their catch.

"There are healthy catfish in the Salt River... We do this every time the water rises."

According to Watkins, the 24-kilogram catch was not a record for him: during the flood in 2011, when the water level rose almost to the windows, the man managed to catch a 38-kilogram specimen!

And he asked not to worry about his house: water has not yet begun to pour inside and he does not yet plan to drag furniture upstairs. Moreover, Watkins is not going to stop at just one caught fish.

2 March 2018
Хорошая прибавка к рациону и разнообразию питания, главное чтобы не стало нормой добычи и выживания.
13 March 2018
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