Nessie again: new footage of a mysterious creature plowing Loch Ness (5 photos + 2 videos)
Category: Interesting photo stories, PEGI 0+
14 November 2024
The two mysterious humps floating near the surface of Loch Ness are nothing less than a monster. That's the verdict of Nessie hunter Eoin O'Faodhgáin, who watched the creature via webcam.
The waterfowl, which is about 7.5m long, is too big to be a normal inhabitant of the lake.
Eoin said: "As the creature cuts through the water, you can see two distinctive features: a large hump at the front and an even larger second hump behind."
"Both humps are black and grey, but stand out from the surroundings. I was amazed and fascinated by this huge, fast-moving animal. Instinctively I knew it was none other than the Loch Ness Monster."
Mr. O'Faodhghain from County Donegal, Ireland, is sure that this event should go down in history.
He continued: "The creature is at least 25 feet long and stands about three feet above the water. There are no known creatures of that size in Loch Ness. The largest inhabitants are seals, which can reach eight feet in length, but this monster is bigger than any seal."
The footage from October 25 was captured by a webcam at the Clansman Hotel, located about 4 miles from the northern shore of the loch.

The 60-year-old hunter of the unknown beast said: "If we talk about my observations of Nessie, then these are the most successful shots. Of course, it would have turned out even better if the creature had come out on land and started posing near the hotel."

Nessie Hunter Eoin O'Faodhghain
"If you had captured this sight on black and white film in 1933, it would have been a classic."
Ghostbusters believe they have found Nessie
Recently, 29-year-old Captain Sean Slogg spotted a mysterious object on sonar in the waters of Loch Ness. The device showed that something large was hiding at a depth of 98 meters. The elongated shape, as well as signs of air pockets, led the team to think of the Loch Ness monster.
"This discovery was so frightening that we were speechless," Slogg admitted.