A woman was found upside down in a rock (3 photos)

Today, 18:46

Rescue workers designed a special frame made of hardwood to stabilize the woman's body and protect her from falling rocks

23-year-old Matilda Campbell from Australia accidentally fell into a gorge three meters deep. The woman tried to get her mobile phone, but slipped and fell, getting stuck between rocks upside down.

According to the victim, the device was lost while she was exploring the area in New South Wales. At some point, the Australian lost her balance, fell into the crack head first and got stuck.

To free her from the trap, friends called rescuers, who spent seven hours doing it. First, they removed several heavy boulders to free Matilda's legs, and then, using a series of maneuvers, they pulled her out completely. The participants in the operation even designed a special frame made of hardwood to stabilize the woman's body and protect her from falling rocks.

Mobile not found

Campbell reportedly received no injuries in the accident, except for bruises and a few scratches. She took the incident with humor.

"It's safe to say that I'm the type of person who's prone to accidents. I'm fine. I'm recovering from my injuries. I'm not going to be exploring the rocks anytime soon," Campbell was quoted as saying by ABC News.

The woman thanked her friends and the rescue team who pulled her out of her predicament, noting that without them she would hardly have survived.

By the way, Matilda Campbell's mobile phone was never found during the operation. Journalists, not without irony, expressed the hope that she had saved a backup copy of all the data.

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