The creator of the euthanasia capsule offers an implant for dementia sufferers (4 photos)

Yesterday, 14:42

Scientist Philipp Nitschke once said that a person must be of sound mind to use his suicide capsule. Now Doctor Death has taken care of the incapacitated. He offers patients with neurodegenerative diseases the opportunity to pass away with the help of a special implant.

Nitschke is best known as the creator of the controversial Sarco suicide capsules, which were presented to the public earlier this year.

After pressing the button, the capsule's space is filled with nitrogen, which causes a state of mild euphoria in the person, after which he loses consciousness and dies.

The first Sarco device was used by a 64-year-old American woman, who specially came to Switzerland, where euthanasia has been legal since 1942.

But this service is only available to mentally healthy people.

And now an Australian doctor has come up with a new method of suicide for patients with Alzheimer's and similar diseases.

The essence of the implant is that it must be deactivated daily. If a person forgets about the button due to their dementia, the device will release a lethal dose of nitrogen into the body.

Nichke intends to test his concept on himself, using only saline solution.

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