Four dozen bodies of occupiers lie on the battlefield in the Svatovsky direction

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
8 October 2024
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Drone operators of the fourth mechanized battalion of the Separate Presidential Brigade named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky published a video recording of the bodies of occupiers destroyed by the unit's fighters. As reported by Censor.NET, the recording shows at least four dozen occupiers. Some of them, despite severe wounds and injuries, still show signs of life.

"The zombie apocalypse in the Svatovsky direction continues. Hundreds of Russians live forward with only one inevitable ending - death. There is only one goal - to take another settlement. Losses are not important, "women will give birth to new ones." And they walk, run, crawl and ... die, forever remaining fertilizer on our land," the fighters note in the comments to the recording.

Attention! Not recommended for viewing by people with unstable psyche!

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