Fifty liquidated occupiers lie near the village of Makeyevka in the Luhansk region

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
10 September 2024
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A video has been published online showing the bodies of occupiers who tried to storm the positions of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Separate Presidential Brigade near the village of Makeyevka in the Luhansk region. As reported by Censor.NET, the footage shows at least fifty bodies of invaders. A drone camera recorded that at least three seriously wounded occupiers were still moving.

"For the third month now, the 4th Mechanized Battalion of the Separate Presidential Brigade named after Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky has been fighting fiercely for a small but strategically important territory near the village of Makeyevka in Luhansk region. Every day, Russian soldiers, as if under hypnosis, rush to certain death in an attempt to capture our positions, but their attacks are broken every time by Ukrainian defensive lines. Hundreds of Russians are being disposed of, since their command continues to send "disposables" to the slaughter as cannon fodder, despite the losses," the author of the publication notes in the commentary.

Attention! Not recommended for viewing by people with unstable psyche!

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