7 amazing historical mysteries that still haven't been solved (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 23:15

There have been many mysterious events in human history, and the mysterious always excites people's minds. In this post, you will see mysterious events and discover hidden aspects of history that scientists have not yet been able to explain.

1. The 2,000-Year-Old Mummy of Marquis of Dai

Xin Zhui was the wife of the imperial viceroy of Changsha, Marquis of Dai, during the Han Dynasty in China. Her tomb was found 2,000 years after her death, along with hundreds of valuable artifacts and documents. But what is even more amazing is how well preserved the body is. Her organs and veins are intact, she has hair and eyelashes. Scientists found melon seeds in her stomach. The body was soaked in a mysterious liquid, and this is what helped preserve it. Scientists still haven’t determined what this substance is.

2. A 100-year-old Traub motorcycle that was discovered by accident

Traub is the rarest motorcycle in the world. Its history is quite mysterious. It was discovered in 1967 in the wall of a basement of a house in Chicago. No one can explain how a 100-year-old motorcycle ended up in a brick wall. It showed no signs of aging and the engine seemed almost new, with no traces of rust. A 1918 registration certificate was found with the motorcycle.

3. The tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Antony have not yet been found

Scientists still do not know exactly where one of the most iconic women of humanity is buried. It is believed that she found peace next to her lover Mark Antony, as Octavian gave the order for this. In 2022, archaeologists found a tunnel under the temple of Taposiris Magna at a depth of more than a hundred meters. Its length is one and a half kilometers, the ceiling is located at a height of two meters. A number of archaeologists, for example Kathleen Martinez from the University of Saint-Domingue (Haiti), believe that the sought-after grave may be located at the end of an open tunnel under the temple complex.

4. An entire settlement of Inuit disappeared without a trace in Canada in 1930

In Canada, there was a small Inuit village, known to fur traders and hunters, who from time to time enjoyed their hospitality. In November 1930, hunter Joe Labelle once again visited the fishermen's village, but did not see a single person. His gaze was met with abandoned dwellings and dead, emaciated dogs on a leash. At the same time, everything in the houses remained in place, there were no signs of a hasty escape or attack. Scientists still cannot explain the disappearance of an entire Inuit village in northern Canada, located on the shores of Lake Angikuni. About 3 thousand people disappeared, taking with them even the burials of the deceased. A search was launched, but not a single body was found.

5. Mysterious clay plate

The Phaistos Disc is a mysterious clay plate discovered in Greece in 1908. It depicts strange symbols, the meaning of which is still not fully understood. The disc dates back to 1700 BC and belongs to the Minoan civilization. In 2024, Dr. Gareth Owens from the Technical University of Crete announced that with the help of Professor John Coleman from Oxford University, he had deciphered 99% of the symbols on the disc. They believe that the symbols tell of a pregnant goddess, revealing ancient religious texts. But many scientists question this discovery.

6. The Disappearance of People from the Ship "Joyita"

In 1955, the ship "Joyita" was discovered in the Pacific Ocean, from which the crew, passengers and even the cargo had disappeared without a trace. At dawn on October 3, 1955, "Joyita" departed from the harbor of Samoa in the direction of Tokelau. On board were 16 crew members and ten passengers. The ship did not arrive in Tokelau at the appointed time. Five weeks later, "Joyita" was found. However, there were no people, no cargo, no life jackets on board. The mystery of the disappearance is still unsolved. revealed.

7. Mysterious Island

Oak Island is located in Nova Scotia and, according to archaeologists, hides treasures that no one can find. There are different versions of what the island actually hides: from the Holy Grail to pirate treasures. In the 20th century alone, there were seven expeditions to the island, but the result was zero. What kind of equipment was not used on the island: powerful drills and super-strong pumps, sensitive mine detectors and entire divisions of bulldozers - and all in vain. All attempts to get to the treasure of Oak Island ended the same way. Workers dug mines - they were flooded with water. They built dams - the tide destroyed the work. They dug underground tunnels - they collapsed. Scientists all over the world ask only one question: Why did unknown builders put so much effort into Oak Island? Apparently, the treasure stored underground is priceless, since the forces of the ocean had to be put on guard for it.

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