British Major General Expelled from Army for Kissing (3 photos)

Category: Army, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

A former major general has attempted to kiss a biological woman in a karaoke bar.

Former Major General James Roddice, a father of three, was director of strategy at the UK's Strategic Command, responsible for special forces and other secret intelligence and cyber security units.

He admitted that during one of his overseas assignments to Japan, he went to a local karaoke bar with colleagues. He had a drink and then the devil got into his head and he started kissing a female Royal Air Force officer who was also under the influence of alcohol.

During the kissing maneuver, Roddis also managed to touch her hair. He was unable to complete the kiss, but the attempt was counted as harassment. Moreover, the whole mess was caught on video cameras.

The piquancy of this situation is also given by the fact that the military man was not just any major general with a 30-year impeccable service record, but was part of the team that carried the coffin of Prince Philip, the deceased husband of the now deceased Elizabeth II.

Such a blatant scandal was not hushed up, Roddis was demoted, expelled from the army in disgrace and given a suspended sentence.

53-year-old James Roddis became the highest-ranking officer in recent centuries to face a military court for a sexual crime.

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