Japanese man slept 30 minutes a day for 12 years to get more done (5 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:00

The Japanese man claims that he has trained his mind and body, so he never feels tired. He also swears that coffee and sports help him stay alert, even if he has barely slept.

He is clearly focused on maximizing his body, I hope he spared his wife...

No time to live!

A man from Japan slept only 30 minutes every day for 12 years, trying to "double" his life. That is, to do twice as much in a day as an ordinary person. He claims it has increased his work efficiency.

Daisuke Hori, 40, from Hyogo Prefecture in western Japan, said he never feels tired.

He started cutting down on his sleep 12 years ago to increase his active hours per day. He has managed to cut his sleep to 30-45 minutes per day.

He slept for 30 minutes and teaches others online

“If you exercise or drink coffee an hour before eating, you can prevent drowsiness,” he shared his secrets.

They have their own courses for non-sleepers

In 2016, Hori founded the Japan Association for the Education of Short Sleepers, where he teaches classes on sleep and health.

"People who need constant concentration at work benefit more from quality sleep than from long sleep. For example, doctors and firefighters have shorter rest periods, but they remain highly effective," he said.

They were monitored on camera

And he really doesn't sleep! He proved it on live TV, so to speak.

Japanese TV channel Yomiuri TV followed Hori for three days on a reality show called “Will You Go With Me?”. One day, Hori slept for only 26 minutes and woke up naturally, full of energy. After breakfast, he went to work.

Hori’s online resume says he has taught “small sleep” to over 2,100 students.

This seamstress from Vietnam hasn't slept for 30 years, not sleeping at all is some kind of favorite topic in Asia

One of them told the Yomiuri TV channel that she reduced her sleep from eight hours to just 90 minutes after training. She maintained this regime for four years, while maintaining her skin and mental health in excellent condition.

Everyone in Japan is wildly jealous of Hori, they don't have enough time for everything.

Although doctors say that ultra-short sleep is not suitable for everyone and has side effects. Usually, adults need to sleep from 7 to 9 hours, otherwise there will be memory impairment and immune system disorders.

My husband, the poor Japanese sleep everywhere from lack of sleep, even in the government

Maybe 30 minutes a day is really enough for him, he has a unique brain and all that. But it is very harmful to make this a mass phenomenon. As soon as employers find out about this, they will increase the working day, and we, ordinary people who do not live according to Nietzsche, will suffer!

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