Fearless man feeds reptiles hot dogs from his mouth while blindfolded (5 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

A Florida wildlife expert touts alligators as a way to forget all your troubles.

The "Gator Crusader," as he calls himself, feeds alligators hot dogs from his mouth and handles them blindfolded.

An intrepid Florida wildlife expert who promotes alligators has filmed his daring actions with the deadly reptiles.

His repertoire includes anything from mouth-feeding dangerous animals to placing his head in their mouth.

His four-legged friends have appeared on numerous television shows around the world.

The reptile trainer's entertaining skills even earned him the title of "Florida Person of the Year" on a local radio station.

video-Fearless man feeding reptiles

“When I was seven years old, I saw an alligator show,” he told the hosts of one of the TV shows.

According to him, he was fascinated and forgot all his problems.

“Watching this man with such a dinosaur, I forgot all my worries,” he noted. “I remembered thinking that I wanted to make other people feel the same way, to relax and have fun for a few minutes.”

Michael claimed to be "pretty crazy" but wasn't a strange guy, having worked with alligators for years.

Michael admitted that he wastes his time communicating with not-so-pleasant creatures.

“When it comes to the holidays, I stay in the paddock with them, on New Year's Eve I don't go out with everyone else and have parties,” he explained. “I stay in the paddock and sing them songs because I know the fireworks are on.” the sky can scare them. I show them films and sing songs to them."

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