Maryland has chosen a new beauty queen, and it's not a woman (6 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Fashion, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

Another US state has also decided on the most attractive girl of 2024. But there is a small nuance.

Bailey Ann Kennedy was crowned Miss Maryland at the recent beauty pageant. Everything would be fine, but the participant is not really a girl. More precisely, not a girl at all. This is a transgender who, through plastic surgery and taking a large dose of hormones, looks like a woman.

Therefore, Kennedy had no equal in this beauty contest. Firstly, she is transgender, secondly, she is a migrant from Cambodia, and thirdly, she is married to a military man.

Bailey Anne Kennedy herself considers her victory a response to all her haters who are outraged by the participation of a non-binary person in a competition for true women. The winner is sure: it doesn’t matter what kind of woman you are - born or made - the main thing is the result!

After her triumph in Maryland, Bailey Ann Kennedy is set to compete for the beauty crown in the main US competition, Miss America. And with such and such input, he will probably win.

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