A strange detail of Japanese elevators: this does not exist anywhere else in the world (3 photos)

6 June 2024

In Japan, everything seems automated and innovative, including such everyday things as elevators. Elevators in Japan include various components that may seem unusual to foreigners!

One such object is the small “stool” that is found in the corner of almost all modern elevator cabins in Japan. Outwardly, it looks like a place intended for the elderly or children, but such a “stool” contains more than just a seat...

Under the triangular lid of the stool there is a real toilet, but very compact! To activate it, you must either press a special button or lift the upper part of the structure - and with a slight movement of your hand, a full-fledged and functional toilet appears inside the cabin.

Japanese elevators began to be equipped with this feature due to seismic activity in the country, in order to ensure the safety of people in the elevator when an earthquake began. During strong tremors, elevators temporarily stop working, forcing people to remain in confined spaces for long periods of time.

Therefore, the government decided to equip Japanese elevators with toilets. Already now, such water closets can be found in the elevators of hotels, shopping centers and other public places with large crowds of people: thus, people who find themselves in such a situation are given the opportunity of comfort and convenience until the functionality of the elevators is restored.

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