A man saved orphaned kittens by feeding them with the help of an “artificial mother” (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

To save the babies' lives, the man made a special feeding device - an innovative breast pump.

After observing the brood for two days, the Chinese realized that their mother had disappeared without a trace, so he decided to take custody into his own hands. At first he used syringes for feeding, but after the kittens began to have difficulty drinking milk, he switched to a new method.

To do this, he needed an ordinary soft toy, balloons, syringes and leather straps. In footage posted online, Bai showed how he constructed his device by attaching balloons to syringes and the “stomach” of the toy so that the kittens could eat on their own.

Unexpectedly, the unusual solution worked and the kittens began to get used to their “artificial mother.” The man hopes that in this way the brood can be saved.

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