An elderly dog can't stop smiling because he finally has a family (15 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 May 2024

Buddy was admitted to the shelter in October 2023 when police spotted passersby beating him with a stick. Many people in Spain try to help street dogs, but there are also those who perceive them as pests and a burden.

Buddy is an elderly dog from Spain who has a chance at a new life.

The police took the four-legged animal from the street

We don't know how long Buddy lived on the streets, but he was in terrible shape. In addition to the beatings, this gentle animal had a lot of mites, mange and an inner ear infection.

Buddy in his kennel when he first arrived at the shelter, October 2023

Thanks to the care of veterinarians and Sonia, the director of Animals Help, a shelter in Galicia, Spain, Buddy received the medical care and love he needed.

In addition to flea treatment, the dog was prescribed antibiotics for 15 days. The vet also put a strong antibiotic in his ears. At some point, Buddy lost a lot of fur and even skin.

Despite all the hardships, Buddy recovered and soon found a family in the UK

He is now safe and sound, enjoying a well-deserved retirement with a loving family in a new country

Sonya personally or via video link checks the living conditions of the family who is ready to take the pet.

“We did a virtual home inspection on Saturday, a transport slot was found the following week and Buddy arrived in the UK just 7 days after the application was confirmed.”

Buddy at home with his new sister Sally

Buddy's owners were looking for a companion for their elderly dog. The dog was traveling with Wawapets, an experienced dog transportation company.

He settled into the house very quickly.

“Buddy has adapted perfectly to his new life in the UK and his wonderful adoptive parents have been sending us news that makes us smile. We are delighted that he has found such a good home and are very grateful to his new family for opening their hearts and their doors for an elderly dog from Spain,” the shelter commented.

Buddy's story proves that older dogs can find happiness and a second chance at a better life.

The large number of stray dogs in Spain is due to several factors. Castration and sterilization are not so widespread here. An estimated 300,000 animals are abandoned in the country each year, with a third of them being euthanized. Hunters kill Galgo dogs en masse or leave them to die after the season closes. Charitable organizations rescue animals and are always ready to help with their relocation to another country.

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