Occupants attacked a hypermarket in Kharkov

27 May 2024

On the afternoon of May 25, Russian invaders attacked Kharkov. As a result of another Russian attack, there are dead and wounded.

The mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, announced this on Telegram, Censor.NET reports.

Terekhov said that the invaders attacked a construction hypermarket, which is located in one of the residential areas of Kharkov.

“Preliminarily, the hit occurred in a construction hypermarket. There is information about casualties and injuries - this requires clarification,” he wrote.

Subsequently, the mayor of the city said that two people were now known to have died. Also, as a result of the enemy attack on the hypermarket, there were wounded and missing.

“There are a large number of people missing. Many are wounded. Apparently, the attack was carried out specifically on the shopping center, where many people were located - this is pure terrorism,” Terekhov wrote.

A fire broke out at the site of the impact. Users of social networks publish photos and videos from the scene of the incident.

Later, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Igor Klimenko, reported on Telegram that as of 17:24, two dead and 24 injured people were known to be in the Epicenter hypermarket, where the racists struck.

“According to the information received, there were more than 200 people in the building. There is currently no contact with at least 15 people,” the minister wrote.

Klimenko also showed a video from the scene of the incident. According to him, more than 10 thousand square meters are burning.

“Extinguishing is complicated by the presence of a significant amount of flammable materials and the possibility of further spread of the fire to nearby storage facilities. At the same time, there is a constant threat of repeated enemy shelling,” the minister wrote.

As of 18:12, the number of wounded increased to 25 people. This was announced by the head of the Kharkov OVA Oleg Sinegubov.

"Two people were killed. These were men who worked in the hypermarket. At least 25 were injured. Some of the hypermarket personnel are still being sought. The data is being updated," he said.

In addition, the official added that the fire was localized.

Updated information on the attack on Kharkov on May 25

Subsequently, the mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, said that two people were killed and another 35 were injured due to the Russian attack on the Epicenter construction hypermarket.

Later at 20:55 Terekhov reported that the number of deaths as a result of the strike on the construction hypermarket had increased to 4, and the number of wounded to 40.

Updated data on the consequences of enemy airstrikes on a construction hypermarket in Kharkov on May 25 have been published.

As noted, 14 people have now been killed and 44 injured.

In addition, 11 victims have been identified, including a 12-year-old girl and her mother. Four fragments of human bodies were also found. 7 people are considered missing.

Based on the results of DNA testing, police have already identified the bodies of eight victims of the Russian attack on the Epicenter in Kharkov on May 25.

As noted, among the dead is a 12-year-old girl who was visiting a hypermarket.

The police said that work to clear the rubble is not stopping.

A video is being circulated on social networks from inside the Epicenter hypermarket in Kharkov at the time of the Russian strike.

“I appeal to everyone who is now looking for their loved ones. Give DNA samples - for now this is the only way to establish the identities of those who have already been found and will still be found at the scene of the attack,” Sergei, head of the Investigation Department of the State Administration for Police of Ukraine in the Kharkov region, addressed the relatives of the missing. Bolvinov.

I brought two people out. They still wanted to run to the workers, but they couldn’t come in, - an Epicenter employee spoke about the first minutes after the Russian strike

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