As a result of the attack on the printing house in the Kharkiv region, the Russians burned 50,000 books, - Zelensky

27 May 2024

Russia is at war with humanity and all aspects of normal life. This is once again evidenced by yesterday's attack on Kharkov. As Censor.NET reports, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky stated this.

“Yesterday’s Russian attack on the Kharkov region, which killed and injured people, destroyed a printing house and burned 50,000 books, demonstrates that Russia is at war with humanity and all aspects of normal life,” the note said.

Zelensky once again emphasized that Russian terrorists are killing adults and children, destroying cities and villages, leaving scorched spots where there once was normal life.

“Russian terror must lose. And for this, only one thing is needed - the determination of world leaders. Sufficient determination. Sufficient air defense of Ukrainian cities and communities, sufficient long-range capabilities of our soldiers, sufficiently bold political decisions. We are grateful to everyone who is with Ukraine,” he emphasized Zelensky.

Let us remind you that on May 23, Russian occupiers attacked Kharkov. It is known that 7 people were killed and 20 were injured.

It is known that the racists hit the printing house of the Vivat publishing house. There are dead and injured workers.

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