Vending machines with cats installed in China (7 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024

Not pet stores! But just boxes with “captive” cats sitting there behind transparent doors. These are street vending machines selling cats without any human supervision of the living creature. You can come up and pay for the cat you like.

Cats huddle together because they are lonely

Because you need a cat. Or because you want to save him, because it breaks your heart to look at something like that.

It is assumed that small dogs, rats, hamsters, and purebred cats can be placed in such capsules. All at a reasonable price.

At once, such machines appeared in several large cities of China, which caused very heated discussions in the media.

There are so many floors, and notice how the cats all miss communicating with each other

Japan, what are you doing?

Japan recently installed vending machines for whale meat to popularize this type of product. The Japanese love machine guns, which is why they will love whale meat.

But they didn’t think of selling live cats through a machine. This is the difference between the Japanese and the Chinese towards animals; China has always been cynically pragmatic.

In pet stores, the cages are also not very large, but at least there is a scratching post

Remember about ten years ago the scandal with live turtles that were sealed in a keychain? They slowly died in such an accessory, which was bought mainly by tourists.

China was the first to come up with the idea of making vending machines with pets. But okay, selling candy, phones, and even underwear. But an animal!?

Those poor turtles

China decided to try such contactless trading.

Is it good for cats there?

The whole question is how long they sit there and how quickly they are taken away. Something tells me that it’s 12 hours, not five hours, like at the exhibition, for example.

The first two are vending machines with cats from different companies, and also a vending machine with cat food

Cats sit in small compartments with a litter tray, food and drink inside. But everything is in such a small chamber that it’s probably just bad for a cat to sit in the same chamber with its own litter box.

It is worth admitting that the animals in the machines look neat and quite healthy. But this is from commercials, clearly filmed on the first day of installation. After all, the longer cats sit in solitary confinement without much movement and the opportunity to play and hunt, the more sick they will become and suffer from mental disorders.

Didn't understand. 1800 yuan? 22 thousand for a purebred cat. How long will she sit here?

- And those who invented such machines, are they exactly the same as us people? – the Chinese ask themselves. I am glad that since the keychain turtles the nation has become much more empathic. Well, then – these are cats, everyone feels sorry for cats.

The question remains whether the installation of such a vending machine is legal. And if so, then who gave such permission?!

Meanwhile, in Turkey there is the coolest machine, where for a returned bottle they pour out food for street cats. This is love for animals

Do you think they will remove them or just make the cages wider and more comfortable?

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