People pack up and leave: this thriving town is called the “second Chernobyl” (4 photos)

22 May 2024

As of last year, one of the last residents was 71-year-old Marshall Craig, who had no intention of moving out of his home under any circumstances.

The Park Clun housing estate in the UK, which has been called the “second Chernobyl”, is almost completely abandoned. People even claim to have seen ghosts there.

Clun Park is located approximately 18 miles from Glasgow. It was once an industrial center where shipbuilders lived. However, now most locals are packing up their things and leaving. Last year, the city council considered the issue of compulsory purchase of residential space for further demolition and construction of 120 new properties on these sites during 2023-2028.

“Over the course of several years we have acquired more than 50% of the property in Clun Park, with our largest purchase being last year. We are planning to buy the remaining properties in order to demolish them and begin the long-term redevelopment of the area,” an Inverclyde council spokesman said.

There are few residents left in the town now. As of last year, one of the last was 71-year-old Marshall Craig, who had no intention of moving out of his home under any circumstances.

“I’ve lived here for 20 years in total, including four specifically in this house. To be honest, I don’t want to move because I’m quite happy here. Sometimes it’s difficult - hooligans come and break things, but I don’t want to leave here,” said Mr Craig, a retired forestry worker.

Interestingly, the so-called “second Chernobyl” attracted the attention of urban researchers who were interested in the local post-apocalyptic atmosphere. On Reddit, netizens shared their own experiences of traveling to this mysterious place.

“People still live there. There are apartments that seem empty, but are used by drug dealers to grow weed. So you are likely to stumble upon unpleasant characters,” one correspondent wrote. “There is nothing to see there anymore except empty apartments, rubbish-strewn streets and a general feeling of suffering and devastation,” added another. The third objected to them: “What the hell is wrong with you? Go, maybe you’ll find something you weren’t looking for.”

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