An American woman lives in a house on the water, surrounded by alligators (7 photos + 2 videos)

3 May 2024

An American blogger named Katie lives in a house on the water with her husband and children. The house is surrounded by dangerous waters where alligators live, but the woman says those dangers are nothing compared to the "peace and serenity" they feel.

An American blogger named Katie (aka KayakKatie) lives with her husband in a house surrounded by water and alligators on the Satilla River in Georgia, USA. A woman shares interesting details of life in such a house on social networks, and her recent video about how she throws out garbage has collected as many as 8 million views. Every week she has to cross "gator waters" in a kayak to throw trash bags into a container.

Throwing out the trash is a whole ritual for her! First, Katie puts on waterproof boots and an alligator-proof suit. She puts her Chihuahua in it, which she takes with her for company. She then loads the trash into a kayak and sets off, encountering alligators along the way. But that is not all! Then she gets on an all-terrain vehicle and rides it directly to the garbage containers. Sometimes, if the path to the tanks is closed, she has to walk the route from the shore to them.

Netizens were extremely surprised by how calmly Katie navigated dangerous waters. Someone even wondered why she chooses to live in such a dangerous place. As Katie explained in another video, her family has always loved the outdoors, and she has enjoyed going camping since she was a child. When Katie herself had children and grew up, she and her husband thought about settling by the river. Having seen this house in the photo, they decided to move here.

In addition to alligators, there is another danger in life on the river: the Satilla River has been flooding frequently in recent years. However, Katie’s family is not particularly worried about this yet - they have no plans to move. They are also not afraid of alligators:

"We're not afraid of wildlife. Over the years, we've gotten used to alligators. The kids have gotten used to it, too. We love everything - that's why we decided to live here! We wouldn't want to live any other way," says Katie.

"Birds, trash, alligators, snakes - none of this compares to the peace and serenity we feel. All this is nothing compared to the mental and physical health benefits we get from living here. What if I “Someday an alligator will attack, it’s okay, I’ll fight it,” says the fearless Katie.

Video of Katie taking out the trash:

Here's what Katie's place looks like:

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