Golyan Tunnel: a man-made path in the rock to a hidden village (4 photos)

2 June 2024

Guoliang is a village located in the Taihang Mountains. It impresses travelers with its natural beauty and inaccessibility. The Golyan Tunnel is still the only road through which you can get to this settlement.

Golyan village

The village is located in the northern part of Henan Province. Many years ago, people living nearby suffered from poverty due to a natural disaster. In addition, living under the exploitation of the landowner did not improve their well-being. To resist oppression and strive for a better life, Golyan, the son of a farmer, led an uprising. One day, the rebels needed to find a shelter, which later became the village of Golyan.

Nowadays, the village of Golyan attracts a large number of tourists with its breathtaking mountain ranges, stone houses, dangerous cliffs and more. Tourists call this village a hidden gem in the Taihang Mountains. More than 40 films and television plays have been filmed on the territory of the settlement. Therefore, the area is also called China's No. 1 Film and Television Village. Many art academies and photographic associations also choose Golyan as a location for photo shoots.

Road of Danger

The Golyang Tunnel is a path that connects a small village to the outside world. Before it was built, there was a rough and dangerous staircase made of stones in its place. In 1973, under the leadership of Shen Mingxin, thirteen villagers raised funds by selling goats and crops and bought construction tools.

And due to the lack of modern technology, the villagers dug the 1,300-meter long Golyan tunnel along the slope and through the mountain with their own hands. At its most difficult stage, the tunnel's construction progressed at a rate of one meter every three days. After 5 years of hard work, this road was opened in 1977. Due to its steepness, the tunnel was included in the top ten most dangerous roads in the world.

The mountain tunnel is one of the most dangerous roads in the world. Photo: topvoyager.com

The walls of the Golyan Tunnel vary in shape, some are neat and flat, some are uneven. The road zigzags up the hill, which will strike fear into any traveler. To this day, the only way to get to the village of Golyan is through this tunnel.

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