Fugu village: how fish-shaped houses protect against floods (8 photos)

31 May 2023

Houses in the form of puffer fish can swell in case of danger: the architect was inspired by the famous delicacy to rebuild the village on the water.

Climate change is primarily affecting coastal areas: due to the fact that the level of the World Ocean is rising, the entire infrastructure on the coast is gradually being destroyed.

Such houses will help people who face constant floods to live.

A similar problem is faced by the inhabitants of Lake Nokue, which is located in southern African Benin. This body of water is actually is a lowland lagoon separated from the ocean by a strip of land. As scientists predict, the reservoir can double in size and flood the entire surrounding area. And everything would be fine if on the banks of this lakes and on the lake itself did not live thousands of people. It was for them that designed amazing floating houses, reminiscent of thorny Balloons. So what is the idea of these miracle dwellings?

African Venice

Lake Nokue is a very colorful place, and it’s not even about local African landscapes, but in what is on the lake itself village of Ganvie. This is a fairly large settlement, according to official data. about 20 thousand people live here, but according to unofficial - much more. The village partly stands on the shore of the lake, but most of the buildings located right in the water. They stand on stilts, as if on giant feet, and water sloshing under the floor. There are hundreds of such buildings, and this is not only at home, but also shops, cafes.

This is what all local buildings look like

Local residents live like this for several centuries: once they ancestors tried to hide on the water from a warlike tribe, which engaged in the slave trade. Now that story is in the past, but people still continue to live on the water, and Nokue became not only their home, but also their work: they catch local fish, start fish farms to breed more valuable breeds and accept tourists. Travelers fell in love with Ganvie, a village on water has become one of the main places in Benin, a must-see. IN the village has long been called the Venice of Africa by the people, but floods they happen more often here than in the Italian city on the water.

Fish inspiration

All buildings on Lake Nokue are of the same type: these are houses made of wood, which rise above the surface with the help of thin legs-piles. Alas, The village doesn't always look like this. When the water level rises, the lake "comes" to visit all buildings. From water in the premises here constantly damp, houses are destroyed and do not last long. This problem could not to attract the attention of ecologists and designers, became interested in the village Iranian architect Sajjad Navidi. He came up with an unusual concept houses that can transform depending on the environment environment. And he was inspired by ... puffer fish!

A house inspired by pufferfish.

In pufferfish, which actually go to Japanese puffer delicacy, there is a famous feature: if they see danger, then swell and turn into a ball. Even if the predator succeeds grab this fish, it will just get stuck in his mouth, so the enemy will be defeated anyway. Navidi decided that the houses would inflate so when danger approaches them: they become round and unsinkable.

Unsinkable houses

The architect called his project Puffer Village, which is literally translates as "Fugu Village". From the side of inflated houses indeed resemble giant brown pufferfish (it is this species of puffer used to make fugu) scattered throughout the lake.

Does it look like giant fish floating on the surface of the water?

They know how to inflate at home thanks to several sensors, each of which has its own function. One of the sensors monitors the level lake and its waves, the other is responsible for the pump, the third - for collisions. All these devices work automatically and are activated for a few minutes in case of imminent danger. Well, just like a fish fugu, right?

And this is the scheme of work at home from Puffer Village

So, if Nokue spills, there is too much pain on the water surface.more waves or even a storm, then the house activates its protective functions. IN the lower part of the house begins to pump water using a pump, due to which makes the structure more stable, it will not drift, and it means that it will not collide with anything and will remain whole and unharmed. Well, how only the threat in the form of a raging element will recede, the house will automatically will be blown away. In this state, it no longer looks like a needle ball, but resembles a burger with a “stuffing” in the form of a dwelling inside.

When no danger threatens

It is worth noting that the houses in this Fugu Village are innovative not only due to its unusual shape, but also due to modern technologies. So, inflatable houses are equipped with devices that allow you to convert sunlight and water power into electricity, there are also water purification devices and ultramodern technology for aquaponics. So the locals can engage in familiar activities, including growing plants, directly on the territory of his innovative home.

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