In the USA, animal rights activists removed the box from the dog, with which he had been living for almost a year (3 photos + 1 video)
At the end of January, residents of Alabama (USA) noticed a large dog with a “box” on its head on the street. It was a Cane Corso that got into a trash can and couldn't get out. He lived like this for almost a year, not allowing anyone to help him.
People understood: since the dog lives, it means he can eat and drink. However, the situation he found himself in was still worrying. Volunteers decided to catch him and free him from captivity, but it turned out to be not so easy.
The dog did not let anyone near him, and traps and nets did not work with him. Every now and then he eluded salvation - and only by the beginning of spring he was tracked and caught.
Now the dog - they named him Bear - is safe. He is healthy and now lives in a shelter waiting for a family who will love him.