The cat became interested in the camera filming the room

15 March 2024

A surveillance camera installed in the home of a US couple caught the attention of a cat. She sat down not far from the camera and began to look at a device unknown to her.

It turns out that security cameras are not only useful, but can also be a source of fun.

This is exactly what happened to residents of Twentynine Palms (California, USA), who installed a camera in their room. This “mysterious” device caught the attention of the domestic cat and captured the pet’s imagination. From now on, the cat is ready to sit for a long time in front of the lens and stare at it with eyes so wide that they look almost cartoonish. It's no wonder that scenes like this are a lot of fun for homeowners.

It would be interesting to know what the cat is thinking about at these moments and how exactly she perceives the camera. Perhaps she believes she has found a “way out of the matrix”? Or from the “cat matrix”.

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