30 touching photos of animals rescued from the streets (31 photos)

2 March 2024

Adopting an animal from the street or from a shelter is always a noble act that will definitely be rewarded. Many of these animals have been through hardships and are therefore most grateful for our love and care. Let's take a look at the charming footage of animals that were recently rescued by kind people.

1. “My husband and I adopted this 10-year-old cat from a shelter. Her owners abandoned her because of her timid nature. But now she accompanies me everywhere around the house.”

2. “Our new puppy from the shelter is a little shy. But our dog is already hinting to him that he is always protected!”

3. This one-eyed miracle was also picked up and given shelter

4. "My beauties. Both from the shelter"

5. “I took in my grandma’s cat when she died, and now we’re getting used to life without her together.”

6. That same feeling when you were brought to a new home from a shelter.

7. No one wanted to adopt this cat because of the tumors on its face. But he was lucky - he was recently taken in by a loving family

8. The dog, who was adopted from the shelter, became the baby’s best friend

9. This dog stayed in his shelter longer than others - as much as 315 days. Recently he was finally taken into his family

10. “I just went to the shelter and adopted the oldest cat there.”

11. “It seems that our dog adopted the kitten, not us.”

12. “We adopted this 4-month-old beauty from the shelter.”

13. “And we took a turtle from an elderly couple that they couldn’t take care of. She’s 11 years old.”

14. “I picked up a cat 2 days ago. Here she is now.”

15. “I was taking a dog home from the shelter. An elderly couple found her on the side of the road: she was pregnant and starving. The couple delivered her and took care of her.”

16. Happiness is when you have a warm home

17. “We saw him at a shelter event and couldn’t pass him by.”

18. “And we took these 15-year-old brothers”

19. “My friend picked up and adopted a street dog. She turned out to be very photogenic.”

20. “We found this little guy in the parking lot, took him to the vet, and now we’re caring for him at home.”

21. “This stray dog ran out to meet me in the dark, scared me, but maybe it was fate.”

22. This one-eyed baby also found a home

23. "They took a kitten from the street"

24. "The first time they startedcat, and decided to adopt from the shelter. We were afraid that she would worry, but she's just adorable."

25. “And we took this handsome guy from the shelter”

26. “I adopted the first dog of my life from a shelter. Meet Bella.”

27. This miracle is happy that he was taken home from the shelter

28. “My new shelter cat seems to be getting along with my old one.”

29. "I'm taking a handsome guy home from the shelter"

30. Happy eyes on the way home from the shelter

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