A bear from a Taiwanese zoo stood up on its hind legs and surprised visitors (6 photos + 2 videos)
In the Shoushan Zoo (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) lives a Formosan (Himalayan) black bear named Bobby. He loves to depict an upright creature, which delights the audience. Some even think that such bears do not exist in nature and the zoo administration resorted to a banal hoax!
In the video, the bear strolls around and “greets” admiring visitors in a suspiciously human-like manner. Zoo guests couldn't believe their eyes...
Some suggested that this is a man in a bear suit - Bobby's height is comparable to that of a human. But zoo management denied these assumptions, saying that no one in a fur suit could stand walking through the enclosure on a hot day.

In 2016, Bobby was already standing on his hind legs, and the then mayor of the city also had to assure the public that this was not a zoo worker, but a real bear. Bears of this species can stand upright on their hind legs in the wild; they have this feature.

The Formosan black bear is an endemic and endangered species in Taiwan. The population size is currently estimated at only 200-600 individuals.

A similar incident occurred last August at the Chinese Hangzhou Zoo: a Malayan bear (biruang) stood up on its hind legs. And people also immediately began to doubt whether it was a bear.
The bear stood up straight and reached for the treat thrown to him (he didn’t catch it). He looked quite unusual, if not comical.

Malayan bears are known to have humanoid mannerisms, being the size of a large dog and standing no more than 1.3 meters tall on their hind legs.

Other Chinese zoos have also been accused of trying to pass off dyed dogs as other animals, such as wolves or African cats.
In 2019, two zookeepers at Yancheng Wild Animal World in Changzhou, China, were seen wearing gorilla costumes and jumping around real gorillas. Zoo officials said it was just an April prank.
In 2018, there were reports that a Cairo zoo tried to trick visitors by painting a donkey with black and white stripes to make it look like a zebra. The fake zebra was spotted by a student visiting the recently opened animal sanctuary in the city's International Garden Park. Several veterinarians in the country quickly confirmed that it was indeed not a zebra, but a donkey.