One and a half dozen destroyed enemy armored vehicles at the intersection of two field roads in the Kupyansko-Limansky direction

29 January 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers destroyed at least a dozen enemy armored vehicles at one of the intersections of two field roads in the Kupyansk-Liman direction.

According to Censor.NET, a video recording of the results of the combat work of the fighters was published on social networks. The recording shows that some of the Russian military equipment is still on fire. In addition, the bodies of liquidated invaders are lying near some armored vehicles, and the battlefield is densely dotted with craters from artillery shots.

“The Liman-Kupyansk direction. Russian armored vehicles, with suicidal persistence, each time along the same route try to cut a path to the Ukrainian positions held by the 21st and 60th brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Donbass battalion and the 18th brigade of the National Guard,” – The author of the publication notes in the comments.
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