The bodies of the occupiers are lying in the garden after a futile assault on a house in Sinkovka in the Kupyansky direction

15 January 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers eliminated four invaders who were trying to storm a house on the outskirts of the village of Sinkovka, Kharkov region.

According to Censor.NET, a video recording of fragments of the battle was published online. It shows that another occupier fled the battlefield.

“Another suicidal attempt by the Russian invaders to enter Sinkovka in the Kupyansky direction. Without the support of armored vehicles, the enemy, with the involvement of a small assault group, tried to seize the house defended by Ukrainian soldiers. The video was filmed from an aerial reconnaissance drone of the 30th separate mechanized brigade,” notes the author of the publication .

The result of this attack was described by one of the occupiers in a comment on social networks.

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