The occupier shot himself during the battle in the Kherson region

20 January 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a group of invaders who tried to land on one of the Dnieper islands in the Kherson region.

As Censor.NET reports, a video with fragments of the liquidation of the occupiers was published on social networks. At 54 seconds into the recording, one of the invaders appears to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the head on the battlefield.

“The occupiers from the 205th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Armed Forces were unable to ensure timely evacuation, delivery of food and ammunition. A group of opponents tried to land on one of the islands on the Dnieper in the Kherson region. Those who were not finished off by the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out a ritual of self-denazification.” – the author of the publication notes in the commentary.
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