The occupiers are fighting in the Kremenny forest in the Luhansk region

11 January 2024
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A video has been published online showing fragments of the occupiers’ battle with an unknown enemy.

The recording was made by a camera installed on the ammunition of one of the invaders. Social networks report that the recorded battle took place in the Kremenny Forest in the Luhansk region. The recording shows that a group of invaders is moving through the forest on the armor of tanks. At this moment, a 155mm cluster munition probably explodes above the column. The battle begins. But the occupier with a video camera fails to identify his enemy.

“Who’s shooting?! There are no crests here, whore!” says the occupier.

Judging by this, we can conclude that the occupiers have incorrect information and the enemy armored group was “hospitably” greeted by Ukrainian soldiers, or that the battle is taking place between several groups of occupiers.

At 0:40 a cluster munition explosion hit the occupiers quite well.
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