13 species of large predatory cats that were lost to our world forever (14 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
28 December 2023

Ancient cats are of particular interest to scientists and wildlife lovers. The remains of these powerful predators that lived on Earth thousands and even millions of years ago help to better understand the biology and environmental features of that time.

Modern technologies that researchers have access to today make it possible to carry out full reconstruction of animals with only a few bones or even teeth. Thanks to this, we have the opportunity to see at least approximately what these amazing creatures looked like and what kind of life they led. We invite you to take a look at several amazing species of large extinct cats, which, unfortunately, we will never see in the wild again.

Zanzibar leopard

The last meeting of people with the Zanzibar leopard took place in the early 1980s. Since then, scientists have not known of a single case of its observation.

Taiwan clouded leopard

The species was officially declared extinct in 2013.

Javan tiger

The exact period of extinction remains unknown. Researchers believe it occurred in the mid-1980s. After all, already in the 1950s there were only 25 individuals of this species left.

Barbary lion

Today we can only see the non-purebred descendants of Barbary lions that live in nurseries and zoos.


Belonged to the subfamily of saber-toothed cats. Lived in Eurasia about 15 million years ago. Scientists believe that some representatives of this species could reach a weight of 220 kilograms.

Dinictis or false saber-toothed tiger

A cat-like predator that lived on our planet 20-30 million years ago.


Homotherium was a saber-toothed cat the size of a modern lion. About 3.5 million years ago it appeared in Eurasia, Africa and North America. Its ancestor is Machairodus, who lived 2 million years ago.


Representatives of this species lived on the planet about 10 thousand years ago in North and South America.

Cave lion

A large species of lion that went extinct approximately 10 thousand years ago.

Stansky's Panther

The animal bore a close resemblance to a tiger. Therefore, this species is considered by scientists as a primitive form of the tiger-like panther. Stanski's panther lived on the planet approximately 2 million years ago.

Marsupial lion

This Australian predator disappeared more than 40 thousand years ago. Scientists are confident that this was due to weather conditions and habitat loss, and not due to human influence, as previously thought.


Barfurofelis lived in North America 14-5 million years ago. Extinct, unable to withstand competition with representatives of other, more progressive species of feline and canine predators.


Megantereon lived 500 thousand years ago, inhabiting the territories of Africa, Eurasia and North America.

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