Dangerous and beautiful: 20 frames with wild cats (21 photos)

Category: Animals
28 December 2022

Wild cats are majestic, beautiful and intelligent creatures. Is always interesting to see how they live in the wild. Recently big cat protection organization Panthera showed the best photos predators taken in 2022 during various expeditions to rescue or simply in the wild. Organization founded in 2006 works in 39 countries to support populations of jaguars, leopards, lions, snow leopards, tigers and 33 species of wild cats.

Serval while hunting, photographed in the steppes city of Kafue, Zambia. These animals are also actively monitored and support the population. Photographer Danielle Garbouchian

Cougar with cubs in Patagonia. Photographer - Angela Ambrosini

Tiger mother with baby. Photographer James Warwick

A lioness in the Nyokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal. Photographer - Kristoffer Everatt

On the neck of the lioness is a special collar with trackers, thanks to which employees track the features of the pride and the life of local lions. This included in the population support program.

Specialists put on a female jaguar living on Brazilian Territory Pantanal, Collar. He will follow her movement, give the right indicators, allowing scientists to observe local population of jaguars. Photographer - Wai-Ming Wong

The same tracking collar was worn on an ocelot in the Brazilian Pantanal. Photographer Steven Bobzien

An angler cat caught a fish in Thailand. Photo by Panthera Thailand

Puma "sunbathing" on the beach in Patagonia. Photographer Nicolas Lagos

Fishing cat in Khaosamroyot National Park, Thailand. Photographer Sebastian Kennerknecht

A lion family in the Niokolo-Koba National Park in Senegal, Africa.

Sumatran cat near the Kinabatangan river, Borneo, Malaysia. They are endangered due to hunting and loss. habitat. Photographer Sebastian Kennerknecht

Traps and other items confiscated from poachers in Luenge Luiana National Park in Angola. Many of them are poachers. used for big cats. Photographer Wian Nieman

An angler's paw is seen by experts in Khaosamroyot National Park, Thailand. Photographer Sebastian Kennerknecht

A jaguar discovered a hidden camera in the Pantanal, Brazil. Photographer - Danielle Garbouchian

A young female leopard photographed at night in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal. Photographer Kristoffer Everatt

Leopards are the most geographically distributed among all large cats. However, their numbers are also declining due to the loss of the environment. habitats and poachers who hunt for their skins.

Senegal National Park Veterinarian Niokolo Koba removes a porcupine thorn from a lioness' muzzle. She was noticed during expedition, and decided to help. Photographer Kristoffer Everatt

A male jaguar in the Brazilian Pantanal. Photographer Nick Garbutt

A tiger hunts a wild boar in the Western Forest Complex, Thailand. Photo Sasi Suksavate

Puma on a tree in the Pantanal, Brazil. Photographer Dave Shreffler

A beautiful cougar with a tracking collar in Patagonia. Photographer Ross Rosenthal

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