“What is the meaning of life?”: A koala was filmed at the zoo, which thought about the high (8 photos)

Category: Animals
22 November 2022

A male koala was photographed at Japan's Awaji Farm Park Zoo nicknamed Daichi-kun, who was sitting in a strange position. It seems that he thought about the meaning of life or global warming .. What do you think about his thoughts?

This male koala named Daichi-kun lives at Awaji Zoo Farm Park in Minamiawaji, Japan. Recently he became popular in social networks - caretakers posted the funniest photos of him, which scored more than 150 thousand likes. The bear was sitting in his enclosure in an extremely strange pose, and continuously looked at one point with a serious expression on his muzzle.

It seems like Daichi-kun was thinking about the scale at that moment. universe or global warming, or even overwhelmed in his consciousness. Netizens also suggested that the koala meditates like this - especially considering the position of his paws - or maybe he thinks about the meaning of being, or simply ignoring his caretakers in this way.

According to the zoo staff, Daichi-kun was sitting in such an unusual position first. We can only guess what they were doing at that moment his thoughts. But he must admit, he's still a cutie. As he says caretaker, Daichi-kun is a kind creature, and always welcomes him when he comes to the aviary. Look at this thoughtful comrade:

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