A US court found a man who served 48 years in prison not guilty (2 photos)

24 December 2023

Unfairly imprisoned, Glynn Simmons is now a record holder. No one in America has ever been imprisoned for so long because of a miscarriage of justice.

A court in Oklahoma found 71-year-old Glynn Simmons, who spent 48 years behind bars on murder charges, not guilty. As it turned out, Simons did not kill anyone and all these years he tried to prove that he was in another state at the time of the murder.

It is noted that Simmons was convicted in 1974. Then he was only 22 years old. The investigation accused him of killing a woman during a robbery of a liquor store in the city of Edmont. The prosecution was based on the testimony of a woman who was wounded in the head during a raid on a store. She identified Simmons and another man (Don Roberts), but subsequently contradicted some of her statements. However, this did not stop either state prosecutors or judges. Both were put behind bars and sentenced to death, but later, in 1977, the sentence was commuted. Don Roberts, by the way, was released on parole in 2008.

In the summer of 2023, Oklahoma District Judge Amy Palumbo ordered a new trial for Simmons because of District Attorney Vicki Behenn's allegations that then-prosecutors withheld important evidence, including a police report containing an eyewitness account that implicated the other men. Having considered the case, the court came to the conclusion that the evidence presented of Simmons’ innocence was quite convincing.

Simmons was released from the courtroom and informed that he is entitled to receive compensation in the amount of $175,000 from the state. However, his lawyer said that Simmons would be able to receive compensation only in a few years, and now he, deprived of work experience and a career, is forced to live and be treated for cancer discovered in prison on donations.

1 comment
26 December 2023
Недавно же была статья про ложнообвинённого, посидевшего в СИЗО США неполные полгода и получившего компенсацию более 200 тысяч. Я уже подумал, что данный гражданин выйдет мультимиллионером.
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