Chinese ghost town with mansions now inhabited by cows (4 photos)

29 November 2023

State Guest Mansions in the foothills of Shenyang, China, were built in the 2010s as part of an obscure but ambitious construction project. But now there are cows walking there.

It is believed that each house was intended to accommodate important guests while receiving high-ranking state guests from abroad and provided luxurious and comfortable accommodation. According to other information, the houses were simply supposed to be sold to wealthy Chinese.

However, the project was suddenly suspended in 2018. The reasons for this remain a mystery.

Some suggest that this is a change in the political situation and events that occurred after the construction of the complex.

According to another version, again, we are talking about a corruption scandal and violations in the registration of land ownership.

Today, the mansions, of which about 250 were built, sit empty, covered in dust and rickety walls. They are guarded, and access to visitors seems to be strictly prohibited. As a result, State Guest Mansions have become an object of curiosity and attract tourists as well as lovers of abandoned places.

These empty luxury mansions create an atmosphere of mystery and timeless luxury.

Their architecture is inspired by both traditional Chinese styles and Western elements. Each villa boasts carved wooden facades, exquisite gardens and exotic interiors that further highlight the controversial nature of this empty place.

Many rumors and legends surround State Guest Mansions. While some claim that the place is considered cursed and haunted by spirits, others share stories of mystical phenomena and unexplained sounds coming from these abandoned villas.

Luxurious empty mansions continue to attract people and make them formulate their own theories about what could have happened in this mysterious place.

Meanwhile, unfinished luxury mansions were chosen by local farmers who could never afford to buy them. No, they don’t live there themselves – they just raise cattle in some of the buildings. Cows graze calmly among their former luxury.

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